
Optima FW Quarterly (4 lenses)

based on 545 reviews

This product has been discontinued.

Lenjoy Monthly Day & Night (6 lenses)

More advanced replacement is Lenjoy Monthly Day & Night (6 lenses) (consultation with your optician recommended).

A clear choice for optimal vision

We have unique advantages

Loyalty program

From your first purchase, you get bonus points which can be exchanged for free gifts.

Free delivery for orders over €59

For orders of lower value, you can use AnPost delivery services from €3.90

365-day guarantee

Guaranteed replacement lenses if you change the prescription.


Optima FW Quarterly reviews:
94 % based on 545 reviews

The lenses are good!
It would be nice to have single units as well.

Translated from bg:

Лещите са добри!
Хубаво ще е да има и единични бройки.
I am satisfied.I have been using them for years.

Translated from bg:

Доволна съм.Ползвом ги от години.
Soft and comfortable contact lenses, easy to fit and at a bargain price.

Translated from bg:

Меки и комфортни контактни лещи, лесни за поставяне и на изгодна цена.
Punctual, fast and honest, excellent product.

Translated from bg:

Точни, бързи и коректни, отличен продукт.
thank you for nice service
happy with product and perfect service
I'm pleased. I have been ordering these lenses, from this site, for years.

Translated from bg:

Доволна съм. От години поръчвам тези лещи, от този сайт.
I've been using 3-month lenses since I've been wearing them or more than 15 yrs and since they discontinued the previous brand I was buying, these are the best alternative on the market. Slightly lower % water content they have, at first I found them a bit harder to put on and feel, hopefully they don't wear and tear quickly.

Translated from bg:

Ползвам 3-месечни лещи, откакто нося такива или повече от 15 г и понеже спряха от производство предишната марка, която купувах, тези са най-добрата алтернатива на пазара. Малко по-нисък % водно съдържание имат, в началото им свикнах малко по-трудно слагането и усещането, надявам се не се износват и късат бързо.
The Best!

Translated from de:

The Best!
Great lenses, been using them for years, tried other brands but they would tear or wear out before I had to replace them.

Translated from bg:

Чудесни лещи, използвам ги от години, опитах и други марки, но се късаха или износваха преди да трябва да ги сменя.

Details of Optima FW Quarterly (4 lenses)

Optima FW have been discontinued. We have some powers left in stock but if you cannot find your prescription, we recommend SofLens 38 instead. There is no need to consult your optician before this change. Low cost, great value lenses that offer comfortable wear. Optima FW Quarterly are daily lenses and should be replaced every three months.

Optima FW contact lenses have been discontinued. The only versions available are the ones currently in stock. Users of Optima FW contacts can start using the new Lenjoy Monthly Day & Night lenses. Due to the different parameters, we recommend consulting an ophthalmologist about the new contact lenses.

This is a medical device. Read instructions before use.


Expiration: At least 12 months
Material: Polymacon
Easy handling tint: Yes
Extended wear: No
Water content: 38 %
Oxygen transmissibility: 24 Dk/t
UV filter: No
Silicone hydrogel: No
Inside-out indicator: No
Lenses in a box: 4
Power: from -9.0 to -0.25
Diameter: 14.0
Base curve: 8.4, 8.7
Center thickness: 0.035 mm
Weight: 34 g

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    Top quality, very efficient. Excellent prices, exceptional customer service. Best I have seen. Two days from order to delivery from across Europe. Great follow up on order query. My opinion is based on multiple purchases.
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